Wild FoodsWild Foods
Wild Foods
Wild Foods
Wild Foods

Wild Foods + NZ only FREE Tramping

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Over 400 simple recipes for 54 NZ fish and game species. For use on a boat, hut or at the bach on a BBQ, oven, pan or pot.

Grant Dixon is currently the editor of the largest outdoors magazine in New Zealand, 'NZ Fishing News' and has been for the last twenty odd years. For as long as he can remember his passion for fishing and hunting has only been surpassed by his passion to cook and sample the fruits of his labour. This book is a collection of his favourite recipes and the best of the recipes that he has gleaned from his colleagues and readers over the years.

  • Simple recipes for use on a boat, in a hut or at the bach.
  • Over 400 of the best NZ wild food recipes.
  • Recipes for over 54 New Zealand species.
  • For 37 species of fish, shellfish, crabs and crayfish.
  • Recipes for 17 species of New Zealand game animals and birds.
  • How to pluck, fillet, skin, breast and prepare for the chef.
  • Rated for difficulty, prep time, BBQ, oven, pan or pot.

Author: Grant Dixon
ISBN: 1-877374-68-7
Edition:1st Edition (212 pages)

SpotX Wild Foods Articles:

Maintaining Catch Freshness
Filleting a Fish
Shucking Scallops
Smoking Fish


Soused Snapper Recipe


SpotX Wild Foods Recipe from Kevin Leech
Prep:24 hours Cook:1 minute Difficulty:1


  • 1½ kilograms snapper fillets, skinned and boned.
  • Juice of 5 lemons.
  • 1 cup sweet chilli sauce.
  • 1 red onion.
  • 2 peppers, varying colours.
  • 12 cocktail tomatoes.
  • 1 400-gram can coconut cream.


  • Dice fillets into 2cm square pieces.
  • Place in a large bowl with finely-chopped onion; cover with lemon juice.
  • Refrigerate for 12-24 hours, turning occasionally.
  • An hour before serving, drain off the juices.
  • Add chilli sauce to taste, along with coconut cream.
  • Dice peppers and halve tomatoes and add to fish.
  • Add ground pepper and sea salt, to taste.
  • Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
  • Garnish with parsley.




From a culinary perspective, snapper is probably one of the most versatile species we have in our waters.
It is relatively easy to catch, readily available throughout the North Island and the top half of the South Island, and can be prepared in many ways. It’s as delicious as raw fish as it is smoked and good for almost everything in between.
Snapper has played an important part in our history. Known as ‘tamure’ to the Maori and ‘bream’ to the early European explorers and settlers, the humble snapper was a regular part of their diet, either eaten fresh, or else salted, dried or smoked.



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