Boat Fishing Book Corrections
“Doctors bury their mistakes, we publish ours”.
While every effort has been made to ensure the information
contained in Spot X publications — is correct, it is inevitable some
errors will slip through.
Correcting and updating all the information for following issues is
extremely important to us – please complete form below so we can include here and update information for the next issue.
Edition:1st Edition: On page 130 and map page 139 Spot (4) Kauri Point is in the Te Matuku Marine Reserve so it is not an available fishing spot. Map Page 139 Spot (S) and Spot (T) are in the Te Matuku Marine Reserve so they are not available fishing spots.
Edition:1st Edition: On page 43 and map page 56 Spot (19) Deep Water Cove is no an avalable fishing spot as it is in the Deep Water Cove/Maunganui Bay rahui. A rahui (temporary closure) is in place until 30 November 2014. Taking of fish, aquatic life and seaweed, except kina, is prohibited. Map Page 56 Spots (C,G,H,J,K,M,N) are in the Deep Water Cove/Maunganui Bay rahui so they are not available fishing spots.
Edition:1st Edition: Map Page 184 Spot (31) One Sixty Six, Spot (32) North Reserve, Spot (33) Thirty Six and Spot (34) Tuhua Reef are showing on the map but not printed in the book. Click here for detail on these spots.